This page is here to answer the most commonly asked questions about permanent makeup. Please read this page carefully before booking your appointment to ensure you are booking the right service and are prepared for your appointment! There are many factors that matter when it comes to getting the best results. Thank you for your interest in booking with me, I can’t wait to meet you!



Microblading is a semi-permanent eyebrow tattoo, done with a small handheld blade. This tool is used to deposit pigment in thin lines under the skin. The results of microblading mimic hair strokes; most people will never know that your brows aren’t naturally fabulous! Lasts 1-3 years before needing touch up, depending on your skin type.

Microblading is meant to create the appearance of full brows. It is best for clients with already full brow hair, looking for more definition and added fullness. Microblading is not a good option for clients with sparse areas or little natural hair growth.

Microblading is best for normal/dry, young skin. If you have combination/oily or aging skin, microblading will not be a good option for you. If you are looking for natural results, but aren’t an ideal candidate for microblading, don’t stress! Super natural results are still very possible with a combination brow, powder brow or machine hairstroke brow.

Please note: over time, with multiple touch ups, microblading is very likely to blur together. This happens sooner on clients who have oily skin, mature skin, spend a lot of time in the sun, or use retinols/AHAs. After 4-5 touch ups, it is best to switch to a powder brow to achieve better long term results & avoid excess scar tissue.


A combination brow is microblading strokes plus shading. There are two types of combination brow: the first has strokes throughout the whole brow, and shading throughout the outer 2/3rds. The second has strokes just in the front of the brow, and only shading throughout the rest. Lasts 1-3 years before needing touch up, depending on your skin type.

Extremely customizable, best for those who want a natural result with extra fullness, or a stronger, more defined brow that looks more filled in. Also works well for those who have little natural brow hair/sparse areas. Suitable for normal/dry skin and combination skin, sometimes aging skin on a case by case basis.


An ombré powder brow is a fully shaded brow that is darkest at the tail and lightest/softest at the front. A machine creates small dots under the skin, mimicking powder makeup.

Ombré brows can be as soft or as bold as you like, and are very customizable! For clients that like a bold, filled in brow, shading can be built up to give a crisp and defined appearance. For clients that want a natural and soft brow, shading can be done minimally with no harsh edges to create a super beautiful, natural look!

This style is ideal for all skin types. It can actually look just as natural, if not more natural, than microblading. If you have oily/combination skin, large pores, or sparse areas of hair, microblading would not heal well and can look very unnatural. An ombré powder brow heals evenly on these skin types and looks beautiful! Please note: fully shaded brows look dark and intense at first, but soften a TON as they heal.

This type of brow lasts the longest and ages very well. It creates the least amount of trauma to the skin and is a great option for the long term.


A machine hairstroke brow, sometimes called a nano brow, is a technique that uses a single needle tattoo cartridge to create hairstrokes. The result is very natural and looks/heals similarly to microblading. Machine hairstrokes allow for a super natural flow that integrates with existing brow hair seamlessly. Machine hairstrokes can be used instead of microblading in a combination brow. There are two types of combination brow: the first has strokes throughout the whole brow, and shading throughout the outer 2/3rds. The second has strokes just in the front of the brow, and only shading throughout the rest. Lasts 1-3 years before needing touch up, depending on your skin type.

Best for those who want a natural looking brow, or for those who have little natural brow hair/sparse areas. Suitable for all skin types, including combination/oily or aging skin.

Machine hairstrokes are a newer technique that creates less trauma to the skin than microblading, and can be touched up over time with much less risk of scar tissue.



Please read the list of factors that affect permanent makeup candidacy:

  1. Pregnancy / Breastfeeding: Permanent makeup cannot be performed until you are no longer pregnant or breastfeeding.

  2. Botox: Wait 1 month before permanent makeup.

  3. Diabetes: Must have doctor’s approval.

  4. Cancer: Must have doctor’s approval.

  5. Abnormal Heart Condition: Must have doctor’s approval.

  6. Facial or eye surgery of any kind: Wait a minimum of 30 days before permanent makeup.

  7. Accutane or topical acne treatment: Must wait ONE YEAR after accutane. Topical treatments must be stopped at least 30 days before permanent makeup.

  8. Chemical peel, retinoids, glycolic acid, or alpha hydroxyl: Must stop using 30 days before brow procedure, 2 weeks before lip procedure.

  9. Prone to keloids: Microblading cannot be performed. Seek a dermatologist’s opinion for other permanent makeup procedures.

  10. Waxing/tanning: Avoid for 2 weeks prior to permanent makeup and 3 days after healing process is complete.

  11. Brow Tint: Wait 2 weeks before brow procedure.

  12. Allergy to Lidocaine, alcohol: Numbing cream may not be used. Permanent makeup can still be performed, but may be more painful.

  13. Allergy to metals: Must schedule a patch test before permanent makeup to determine if any allergic reaction to ink occurs.

  14. Blood Thinners: Must wait 24 hours after taking any blood thinning medication (aspirin, ibuprofen, alcohol, vitamin E or B5, etc).


Permanent makeup can do amazing things for your brows. However, I like to say that it is LOW maintenance, not NO maintenance! Permanent makeup goes underneath the skin, whereas makeup sits on top. Naturally, it can not do the exact same thing as makeup.

To create a brow with the lowest maintenance possible, I always aim for a shape that does not stray too far outside of where your natural hair grows. The difference between natural hair growth and permanent makeup becomes more obvious with fading. Fading is expected, and your brows will need to fade at least 50% before you see more for an annual touch up. During this time, you may wish to fill in your brows a bit or use a tinted brow gel.


All bookings are done through this website. Please fill out the appointment request form found under the “Book a Service” button. It is important that you fill out this form entirely! I will then be in touch within 3-5 business days to set up your booking.


You can still receive lip blush even if you get cold sores / fever blisters. You must take an antiviral medication pre and post procedure to help prevent the outbreak of cold sores. Please read the before care section on this prior to booking an appointment.

If you experience frequent outbreaks, please note that lip blush can only be done after 4 weeks from your most recent outbreak.


If you have had permanent makeup done on your brows in the past, I will need to see pictures to determine if I can work over it. Please email current, clear photos of your brows, in bright lighting, to, before booking an appointment.

Typically, I require old permanent makeup to be at least 50% faded before I will work over it - however, the existing pigment shape and color also influence the possibility of new permanent makeup. If I don’t think that your desired results can be achieved with your existing work, I will recommend options for removal or fading the ink more quickly.


  • Oily Skin: Excess oil in the skin can cause microblading to fade or blur, or not stick at all. If you have combination or oily skin, a combination brow, machine hairstroke or ombré powder brow is the best option for you.

  • Sun: Exposing your permanent makeup to the sun can cause premature fading.
    Purchase Cannasmack Ink Guard on Amazon to apply to your brows and protect your investment! For lips, any lip balm with sunscreen works!

  • Excessive Bleeding: If you bleed more than usual during the procedure, this can cause pigment to fade faster and retain less than normal. Some people do bleed more than others, but it is very important to follow proper before care to prevent excess bleeding. This includes avoiding blood thinners, caffeine, and alcohol in the 24 hours before your appointment.

  • Improper Before/After Care: Not following the given instructions WILL affect your healed results. I see the best healed results on those who followed before/after care perfectly! 50% of your results are my work, and 50% is how you care for your permanent makeup at home. Please follow before and after care EXACTLY to ensure good results!


I do offer 15 minute consultations for those who are more comfortable meeting me and discussing options in person before booking appointment.

However, a lot of common questions and concerns can be addressed without a consult! When you fill out a new appointment request form, I will have you send me current photos along with inspiration photos. We will then discuss options before setting up your appointment!


5 days before, during, and 5 days after your menstrual cycle you will be more sensitive and experience more discomfort and bleeding during the procedure.

You are also more likely to experience premature color loss because of this, especially with lip blush. Please try to avoid scheduling an appointment during these days if possible, it is highly recommended!


Permanent makeup fades over time. The rate at which your permanent makeup will fade depends on your skin type, age, lifestyle, metabolism, medications, and sun exposure.

Touch ups are expected and necessary for permanent makeup. Following before and aftercare instructions are essential in achieving the best healed results, in addition to receiving touch ups every 2-3 years.

Please note: results vary and cannot be guaranteed, due to the nature of the skin’s healing process. A touch up is required 6-12 weeks after your initial appointment to assess results, make any necessary adjustments, and perfect your results!


Your appointment will be booked for 3-4 hours. Usually, about 45 minutes to an hour of this time consists of a mini consult, pre-drawing the shape and fine tuning it until it’s perfect. The procedure itself takes about 1.5-2.5 hours. Touch-up appointments generally take 1-1.5 hours.


BROWS: The level of discomfort varies from person-to-person, but generally, the pain is minimal. Your skin will be numbed before and during the procedure to minimize any pain. Some people even fall asleep! You can expect redness and mild swelling after your appointment, and it may feel like a sunburn around your brow area. This should only last a few days at most.

LIPS: The level of discomfort varies from person-to-person, but generally, the pain is minimal. To alleviate possible discomfort, a strong topical anesthetic can be applied during the procedure. Part of the session is done without topical anesthetic and preferably the entire session, but if you cannot sit well, topical numbing can be applied once to ease discomfort. Over applying numbing hardens the skin and can actually lead to more discomfort and swelling. Please do not take any blood thinners such as Ibuprofen and Aspirin 24 hours before. Tylenol can be taken 30 minutes before your treatment without any contraindications.


You very likely will need a touch up. Within the first two weeks of the initial procedure the color fades as much as 30-40% and the area might look patchy and uneven.

After this period, typically between 6-12 weeks, a required follow-up appointment is done. The touch-up procedure takes much less time than the initial appointment. The touch up is also an opportunity to make any adjustments to the shape or color.


I require 48 hour notice for all cancellations/rescheduling requests.

I reserve the right to charge the card on file for any late cancellations / missed appointments, at a rate of 50% of the booked service. Please contact me directly to cancel at 608-571-2968. Not confirming an appointment is not the same as cancelling.

If appointments are not confirmed 24 hours prior to appointment start time and I do not receive a response to attempts to confirm manually, I reserve the right to cancel the appointment.

Cancellation fees may be applied to rescheduled appointments one time. After two late cancellations, I do not allow rebooking. Missed appointments with no communication (no shows) will not be allowed to rebook.



Permanent makeup normally requires multiple sessions.
To achieve the best results, you will need to come back for a touch up between 6-12 weeks after the initial appointment.

Be prepared for the color to be significantly sharper/bolder immediately after the procedure. This will subside & soften as the skin heals. This process can take 2 weeks or more.

1 month before:

  • Discontinue Retin-A at least 1 month prior (and avoid on eyebrow area after procedure). 

  • Refrain from use of any Alpha Hydroxy Acid (AHA) products close to the eyebrow area 1 month prior (and avoid on eyebrow area after procedure).

  • Avoid Chemical Peels, Microdermabrasion or facials for 1 month prior to procedure.

2 weeks before:

  • Botox and filler on the forehead, temple, and eye area should be avoided 2 weeks prior to procedure. It takes at least 14 days to settle in the skin.

  • No brow waxing, tinting, or threading two weeks prior (the more natural hair growth you have, the better! It is best for me to see how your brows grow naturally. I will clean them up for you at your appointment.)

1 week before:

  • Avoid sun and tanning one week prior to procedure.

24 hours before:

  • NO alcohol or caffeine 24 hours before procedure! 

  • Do not take Aspirin, Niacin, Vitamin E or Advil/Ibuprofen, or any other blood thinner for 24 hours before procedure. Tylenol is ok.

  • Avoid Fish Oil, Prenatal Vitamins, Nutritional Shakes (Shakeology, etc), “Hair, Skin, Nail” supplements 24 hours prior to procedure.

Day of your appointment:

  • Wash your hair! You will need to avoid getting your brows wet (aside from washing them) for the next 7-10 days, so wash your hair the day of your appointment to give you a few extra days before you need to do it again!

  • Makeup: Come to your appointment with or without makeup on - whatever you are most comfortable with. We will be taking before/after photos. If you normally wear brow makeup, it is helpful for me to see how you usually fill them in.

  • RELAX! It’s normal to be nervous. Together, we are going to create the perfect brows for you! Take a deep breath and get EXCITED! 

***Please Note: You will be more sensitive during your menstrual cycle.


Immediately following your appointment, your brows will likely feel sore and may be swollen/red. It may feel like a bad sunburn around the brow area. Typically, this feeling goes away within 24-48 hours.

In the few hours after your appointment, the pigment will oxidize and darken. Your brows will look darker and warmer (more red) than they did initially. This is normal! They will fade and soften 20-40% once healed, and the redness will go away.

For an in depth description of the healing process, please see “How should I care for my brows after my appointment?”


Follow the instructions below for the next 7-10 days, or until all flaking is gone.

  • In the hour following procedure (or until nothing appears on gauze), gently dab off eyebrow area every 5 minutes with provided dry gauze to remove any lymphatic fluid. If you have oily skin, dab every 30 seconds for first 10 minutes.

  • If dry to normal skin, wash brows 4 hours after procedure using provided foam soap. If oily, wash brows immediately after getting home from your appointment.

  • Wash eyebrow area 2x daily with 1 pump of provided foam soap, GENTLY in direction of hair growth. Wash outside of shower with lukewarm water. Rinse soap off well. Pat dry with clean paper towel.

  • Follow with rice grain amount of After Care Balm (this will be enough for both brows - do not use too much balm). Use balms 2-3 times daily for 7-10 days.

  • Keep eyebrows dry (avoid them being submerged in water for too long; ex. Swimming or sauna). Quick showers/washing face is fine, just avoid the eyebrow area. Steamy hot showers will open pores and soften scabs, so avoid this! Try to avoid shampoo / conditioner running down into brows.

  • No sweating/exercise, tanning, direct sun exposure, waxing or threading.

  • No makeup, eyebrow pencil, lotion or other facial products on the eyebrows.

  • If necessary, use an eyebrow pencil to touch up after eyebrows heal COMPLETELY.

What to expect (days may vary)

  • Immediately after: shape may appear uneven due to swelling.

  • Day 1 – 3: eyebrows will appear darker and thick.

  • Day 4 – 7: eyebrows will be dry and itchy. Do not scratch, rub or pick at them. They may start to scab, crack or flake off. Eyebrows will look patchy and uneven during healing process. It is absolutely normal and crucial to leave them alone. DON’T PANIC.

  • Day 7 – 10: scabs should be gone (some can take up to 3 weeks) Sometimes eyebrows will appear as if there is no color. The remaining color is under a new layer of skin and in the following weeks will resurface as skin cells repair.

  • Week 4 – 5: eyebrows will appear their true color. Eyebrow might still look patchy or have an uneven shape. Some rare cases the pigment does not retain well. (in this case, please contact Madeline to determine if an additional touch-up is needed).

  • Week 6 – 12: come back for a touch up. Any small corrections can be made at this visit.

Please Note: Effects vary on different individuals, e.g. skin types that affect the attachment of color. Most clients will need two sessions; some will only need one and some will need a third touch-up to complete the look. FAILURE TO FOLLOW AFTERCARE INSTRUCTIONS MAY RESULT IN INFECTIONS, PIGMENT LOSS OR DISCOLORATION.



Permanent makeup normally requires multiple sessions.
To achieve the best results, you will need to come back for a touch up between 6-12 weeks after the initial appointment.

Be prepared for the color to be significantly sharper/bolder immediately after the procedure. This will subside & soften as the skin heals. This process can take a week or more.

2 months before:

  • Botox and filler in the lip area should be avoided for 6-8 weeks prior to procedure.

  • Avoid Chemical Peels, Microdermabrasion, Facials and Laser treatments for 2 months prior to procedure.

2 weeks before:

  • Discontinue skincare products containing Retinol / AHAs two weeks prior.

  • Avoid sun and tanning two weeks prior to procedure.

5 days before:

  • Begin 5 day regiment:
    - Vitamin A&D ointment should be applied throughout the day. After showering when lips are soft and supple, gently scrub your lips with a light exfoliant, especially the middle of the lips, and apply a layer of Vitamin A&D. You can make a homemade scrub by mixing brown sugar, honey and olive oil in the same proportions.

  • Do not consume alcohol 5 days leading up to procedure.

24 hours before:

  • NO caffeine 24 hours before procedure! 

  • Do not take Aspirin, Niacin, Vitamin E or Advil/Ibuprofen, or any other blood thinner for 24 hours before procedure. Tylenol is ok.

  • Avoid Fish Oil, Prenatal Vitamins, Nutritional Shakes (Shakeology, etc), “Hair, Skin, Nail” supplements 24 hours prior to procedure.

Day of your appointment:

  • Begin taking antiviral (recommended even if you haven’t had a cold sore/fever blister/herpes). Must read next section on cold sores!

  • Avoid exercising the day of your appointment.

  • Lips should not be dry, chapped or irritated. Artis Ink Bar reserves the right to cancel your appointment if the lip skin is not properly prepared.

  • Lips may swell, please make sure you don’t have anything important for the next 1-2 days after your visit (swelling varies person-to-person).

  • Makeup: Come to your appointment with or without makeup on - whatever you are most comfortable with. We will be taking before/after photos. Please be prepared with examples of colors you like, 1-2 examples max. You can bring your lip products with you for color inspiration if you’d like.

  • RELAX! It’s normal to be nervous. Together, we are going to create the perfect lips for you! Take a deep breath and get EXCITED! 

***Please Note: You will be more sensitive during your menstrual cycle.


If you have EVER had a cold sore/fever blister/herpes, you MUST take Zovirax, Famvir or Valtrex or other anti-viral pre and post procedure to help prevent the outbreak of cold sores. There are NO exceptions to this rule!

If you do have an outbreak, it will usually occur on the third day following lip blush. This rule holds true for each and every time you have lip blush, including the touch up. You will need to call your physician in order to obtain your prescription strength anti-viral medication. You must inform them of your decision to have your lips permanently tinted and they will need to call your prescription in for you to pick up at your pharmacy.

Taking preventative medication is a MUST on the day of and the day after your procedure as a potential outbreak can occur as the skin’s natural reaction to the procedure. If you experience frequent outbreaks, please note that lip blush can only be done after 4 weeks from your most recent outbreak. All other questions or concerns regarding medications and outbreaks should be discussed with your healthcare physician.

If you haven’t had a cold sore/fever blister/herpes it is still HIGHLY recommended to take Lysine pre/post appointment as you can still unknowingly carry the herpes virus and not have an outbreak yet.


Immediately following your appointment, your lips will likely feel sore, tight, and swollen. They may swell very little or a lot depending on the person. Typically, this feeling goes away within 24-48 hours.

In the day or two following your appointment, the lips will darken and may feel swollen. They will start to feel dry but any pain should be gone at this point in the healing process.

By a week post procedure, usually lips are done flaking.

For an in depth description of the healing process, please see “How should I care for my lips after my appointment?”


Follow the instructions below for the next 7 days, or until all flaking is gone.

  • Day 1-2 clean the area 3x a day with provided antiseptic wipes and reapply balm multiple times a day.

  • For 7 days, reapply a thin layer of balm multiple times a day. Keep the skin moist at all times.

  • Drink all liquids through a straw for 7 days.

  • Apply a thicker layer of ointment before bathing and brushing your teeth. Avoid toothpaste getting on the lips.

  • Do your best to not get the area wet besides cleaning them for 3-7 days. Let them heal!

What to AVOID:

  • Do not touch, bite, lick, peel, rub or tamper with area.

  • Do not let any water, lotion, or makeup touch area for 7 days.

  • No excessive sweating for 7 days.

  • Do NOT use a vape or smoke anything for 7 days (VERY IMPORTANT!)

  • No spicy, salty, citrusy foods or biting into food that will cause stretching of your lips for 7 days.

  • No hot sauna, steam room, swimming pool, vaseline, neosporin for 14 days.

  • Avoid prolonged exposure to direct sun for 30 days.

What to expect (days may vary)

  • Immediately after: The lips feel swollen and tight.

  • Day 2: Lips are much darker and still feel swollen & dry, but any pain is gone.

  • Day 3-4: The skin is dry, flaking and peeling. Uneven color, and the outline is often darker than the inside area.

  • Day 5-6: The flaking is almost gone, but color is uneven. Lips can still feel very dry.

  • Day 7-31: The lips have healed completely but the color is much lighter and softer.

  • Week 4-6: The color has settled and bloomed. Lips may still feel dry for up to a month post procedure.

  • Week 6-8: Come back for a touch up.

Please Note: Effects vary on different individuals, e.g. skin types that affect the attachment of color. Most clients will need two sessions; some will only need one and some will need a third touch-up to complete the look. FAILURE TO FOLLOW AFTERCARE INSTRUCTIONS MAY RESULT IN INFECTIONS, PIGMENT LOSS OR DISCOLORATION.